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Garbage bag is too thin

Garbage bag is too thin

Recent reports say jumbo garbage bags, just a business gimmick play no practical problem solving, public Yip bought a few thicker type of garbage bags, originally directed its firmness to go, but after use found "jumbo" is not much thicker than ordinary trash bags, since it can no longer be hoodwinked "thickening" word. However, ordinary plastic rubbish bags too thin, too easy use, the bag is easy to be bursting at the seams.
    Since garbage bags are too thin, the public created "on bagging", "with shopping bags instead of" and response tactics. In this regard, the International Food Packaging Association Executive Vice President and Secretary General Dong Jinshi in a media interview, he said that the current market garbage bags thickest less than 0.01 mm, the thinnest even only 0.005 mm, after a single use difficult re-use, because it is easy to break, often there will be "on bagging", the resulting waste and increasing pollution. In addition, "with shopping bags in place," the approach is not to be encouraged, because the thickness of the bags usually have 0.025 mm, while not actually need such a thick garbage bags, garbage bags instead of thick bags will undoubtedly consume more petroleum resources, also creates more waste.
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